Rescue Remedy -

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Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy consists of a premixed Flower combination that can be applied as a first aid measure in emergencies of all kinds. The solution consists of the following flowers:
  • Star of Bethlehem for shock
  • Rock Rose for acute fear and panic
  • Impatiens for inner tension and stress
  • Cherry Plum for fear of breaking down in despair
  • Clematis for the feeling of being "not completely here"

The indication spectrum of this combination ranges from such emotional emergencies as acute fright or bad news to physical injuries, burns, and accidents. In cases of circulatory collapse and allergies it is the second remedy of choice (after medical emergency measures) to eliminate the fear that almost always occurs in these situations.

Rescue Remedy is always called for when a situation appears threatening to the individual or indeed might be life threatening. The state of shock paralyzes the energetic system; the conscious mind has the tendency to withdraw itself from the body or in extreme cases even to leave it. In such cases the body is left completely on its own and is therefore unable to activate self-healing energy. Rescue Remedy very quickly removes the energetic block and enables the body's regulatory system to initiate the necessary measures for emergencies. It is understandable, therefore, why this remedy has already saved many lives. In bad accidents and in life-threatening situations it serves as a practical first aid action until the physician has arrived.

Rescue Remedy is the only ready-to-use formula that Dr. Bach made.

Excerpt from: Dietmar Kraemer, New Bach Flower Therapies,
Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont. ISBN 0-89281-529-9

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New Bach Flower Therapies and Body Maps. Copyright © 2017 by Dietmar Krämer, Hanau. Germany.
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